菠菜网lol正规平台 Student, Faculty, and Staff Findings Fora

Findings Fora

In November of 2020, Rankin & Associates unveiled and summarized the key findings of the belong@菠菜网lol正规平台 campus climate for inclusion survey during two virtual Town Hall meetings that were attended by over 300 people.

You can view the recordings of the town hall meetings on the Town Hall meetings page.  You may also wish to view the Executive Summary, the Full Report, or a number of Presentation Slides available on the Findings page

The Office of Diversity, Equtiy, and Inclusion will be holding a number of fora to discuss the findings that are scheduled for mid-winter break and the beginning of the Spring Semester 2021. Two fora are scheduled for each group to accommodate and best serve each particular constituency.  

To register for the Findings Fora, choose the right link for you below:


